Cling To You

Verse 1 - Trip Lee:

Lord, I'd like to start by saying I can hate where I'm at

When this life is hard and situations take me aback

The fight is hard and I can hardly face it in fact

In life it's hard to get up like a bar with weights that's attached

It really seems the situations that I'm facing is wack

I been awakened but now I'm feeling forsaken and trapped

With no hope and I'm broken open for Satan to trap

I been bothered since You Father put this weight on my back

So please erase it's wack, cause when this pain it attacks

My weakness is at it's peak and I'm feeling strained and I lack

The trust in You I struggle through the ways that I should come to You

Lord, what am I gonna do? It's true this pain it distracts

But I see my only hope when my backs on the ropes

Is in You so I read through the facts that You wrote

The pain may fade away, but if that's my only hope

Then You don't get the glory alone not even close


Lord, it may get better but it may not

So when I pray God, I pray I

Would trust You whether or not the pain stops

So when the the pain falls, coming down like rain drops

I just gotta cling to You

Verse 2 - shai linne:

Heavenly Father, in Your Word You say we can build

Because of Jesus and the blood that He graciously spilled

Lord, I thank You for real, cause my Dad's always there

I can cast all my cares plus the weight that I feel

My situation is ill, I ain't asking to be making a mill

But is all my money for paying my bills?

It gets crazier still, my soul's on dangerous hills

A target for the world, flesh, and Satan aiming to kill

While the wicked who be hating your will

Sit by the lake as they chill, taking in sensational thrills

Lord, Your Son I admire, He's the one I desire

I'll run through the fire if You say it's Your will

But at times it's hard to hear You, the world doesn't fear You

Lord, give me a clear view Your face is concealed

Help me to be patient until Your grace is revealed

And in the mean time, between time, be praising You still


Verse 3 - Trip Lee:

Lord, You know I'm hoping that my situation will switch

That You'll show me You're amazing by erasing it quick

But I've noticed that my hope was in You changing it quick

Instead of knowing You're enough Lord I was chasing Your gifts

But then I opened up Your text and looked at David and them

Their situations was grim, but it ain't change them within

They prayed You'd take it away but sought Your face in the end

And found comfort in Your justice and the grace You extend

So in this life full of strife if my days get grayer

I'm content with the fact that You'll stay my Savior

No change in my King, man, it ain't no greater

Comfort than what's found in You that's so major

So in this life full of strife if my days get grayer

I'm content with the fact that You'll stay my Savior

No change in my King, man, it ain't no greater

Comfort than what's found in You that's so major

So in this life full of strife if my days get grayer

I'm content with the fact that You'll stay my Savior

No change in my King, man, it ain't no greater

Comfort than what's found in You that's so major