Come Close

Set the scene, in the beginning was God

He was holy, glorious and He was wise

If anyone tries, to question His power

Tell them cowards, you really don't buy it

He's really so fly, He don't need no assistance

He made everything spoke it into existence

Creation listened, with no resistance

What kinda powerful God is this?

I'm tripping sometimes I stop and just gaze

I'm so amazed that He made this in 6 days

Made land, made man, but man made a mistake

Men ate fruit now we all in a sin state

But don't think He's no match for the serpent He

Smashes His adversaries, laughs at adversity

They plan, they scam, but they ain't got a good fate

The seed of the woman will smash on the serpent's seed

Time goes, guys grow mo and mo sin filled

God grows, tired though, He's hatred for their sin builds

Because they lacked great faith and love

God showed that He reigned with a flood

He showed His hatred for sin that sits in mens hearts

And the grace He extends to men on His ark

He's amazing man, His great works are a testimony to His person

And I'm so blessed He knows me


Come close, tell me what do you see?

It's God and that's something to see

You wanna know who the boss is?

Flip through His narrative, switch through His character

Come close, tell me what do you see?

It's God and that's something to see

You wanna know who the boss is?

Take a look at His works you can see ID

Verse 2 - Flame:

Aye Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph in the hands of Yahweh how they showed us/How raw our God is never say no/ ask Pharaoh let go my people like ego/ they know who so parted the Red Seas//plans to redeem through Abraham's seed/ Here comes another parting through the Jordan waters/ God is such an artist should be askin' for His auto-graph/this ain't the half my brother/that God reveals like pealing the covers/back His attributes and acts/that we will see when we go in OT/but-what I aint talkin' bout overtime/the Old Testament see the plagues and pestilence/that reveals how holy God is/so much so that even armies had to bow down/look at Jericho the walls had to let em go/who can tell Him no dawg betta let em know who can stay afloat when God got the levees broke/see for His glory/it will get gory/yet at the same time the same God of Jacob/the same God of Joseph and Caleb/Can take a sinner man and make em a nation/make laws just to show off His power and patients


Verse 3 - Sho Baraka:

Let the Gospels introduce you to the Lamb and the light

In Revelation He returns as the Lion with the might

He runs the urban jungle crushed my burden to the law

Took a bite out of sin/ Got death in His claw

He demonstrates his power over death, sickness

Over Nature, over evil over time and distance

All power is in his hand, when they thought he was ruined

But he rose from the grave like "How you doing"

He established the church and working hard like adrenaline

But Satan and the world they want to pump us with Ritalin

Gotta keep running whether in your bapes or timberland

Perseverance of the saints, baby there is no giving in

Now the Holy Spirit provides gifts for the church

So we can build one another and complete his works

What does this say about Jehovah, He so consistent

Man falls man repents man is freed from his prison

All by His power, through His mercy and His grace

So man will stop worshiping self and seek his face

We live the great commandment then do the great commission

So we see 20/20, continue the family business