Eyes Open

Verse 1:

Good evening brethren, let's go a special direction

Look back, let's meet a young'n that was born in 87

His parents was so happy, rejoicing at they new blessing

He breathes life, at the same time death without a question

His parents gazed in his eyes, adoring him as he hollers

He got his eyes from his mama, he got his nose from his father

It's crazy how this baby, is so precious but I'm saddened

He got his name from grandfather, his depravity from Adam

That's how it goes and hey look as he grows

You can see he's so blind, his eyes seem as they closed

He's so weak and it shows, he can't keep from what He knows

Is wrong, he knows it's bad but dag he wants it though

And all throughout his years, he looks good to his peers

And his parents, and his self but if we could only peer

On the inside, we'd see that from the start it was dark

Until a Savior stepped in and gave Him a new heart, eyes opened!


I know I once was blind, Oh Lord but now I see

You sent your Son from above to come and rescue me

He's the light of the world, maker of you and me

His Spirit shines so bright for all of us to see

Now that my vision's clear, Oh Lord we sing your praise

And pray that those in the world would turn and seek your face

Father we thank you for eyes to see so we can know you and love you forever

So that we can love you forever (2X)

Verse 2:

Yeah I was blinded in the past, like my mind was in the trash

Incapable of doing good or even finding him the task

Was beyond what I could grasp, my righteousness is rags

So He had to do all the work, by His design you do the math

The math, who get's the glory, hey who get's the praise?

Predestined, I was elected, resurrected from the grave

Plus His loved was never based on my past or present state

On anything that I obtained I was a mess but blessed with grace

By grace, I'm in love with Him

He gave me something within

He doesn't love me cause of me nope He loves me because of Him

No He didn't have to save and raise me when I was dead

But He dragged me out the morgue, now the praise of His name is spread

He died for all He would save, it's crazy the Savior bled

Erasing taking my dread, and gave me some grace instead

The kind I wouldn't resist, I came praise be to Him

And I'm confident if I'm in Him Ima make it to the end with eyes open


Now that my eyes is open, gotta keep that Bible open

Not just so that I can quote Him, I'm hopin that I'll behold Him

Until I lay in the grave, I'm praying I'll stay in motion

Gazing with eyes of faith He gave me baby, I'm focused

I'm praying all through my 20's I'll see Him in 20/20

Looking at Him till I look like Him almost like His twin He's

So merciful, His Word is so packed I'm telling many

About the glory of Christ, tryna rep Him with all that's in me