Good News, Pt. 2


The bad news, we were born in sin

The good news we can be born again

The bad news, we were born in sin

The good news, we can be born again


So the world went on, sinnin' and all

God even flooded it once to get rid of it all

Time and time again all men would just fall

So God the Son decided to come in the midst of it all

The Word became flesh to suppress our danger

He emerged from a virgin that would rest in a manger

An angel had came to say that she was highly favored

She became the mother of the one that became the savior

But a little bit before that amazing day

He called on John the Baptist to make the way

And when John saw Christ comin he told the men and the girls

"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"

He knew that Christ had come for our survival

Soon after He would go to call his disciples

He would guide them, advise them to live by the bible

They were privileged enough to get to walk beside Him

And they preached to others as He taught them the code

They always rolled together like Tommy and Cole

They were all nice guys, spiritual cats

And they even got to witness His miracle acts

He fed thousands when they didn't have enough bread

He healed blind, even raised Lazarus from the dead

But one day He called them all to meet in a room

And he sadly told them He'd be leavin' them soon

He said He'd be betrayed by one of these in the room

But didn't say He would die and raise in three from the tomb

Or that He'd be the one to clean us like a broom

Just so He could save you and me from the doom, of...
