Good News, Pt. 3

None of them knew it He would be betrayed by Judas

One of the chosen the few in His intimate group of

Close friends who professed love for Him to no end

They were sad they knew life without Him would be so grim

So Him and some of the disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane

He told them to keep a lookout while he prayed with all his energy

But instead of watchin' the King

Each time He came back they had fallen asleep

But the hour has come, men proceeding armed with swords

The disciples didn't want to let him hard the Lord

But Christ was aware that his Father's will was in this

Betrayed by Judas Iscariot sealed with a kiss

They took Him away, Judas couldn't look at His face

Think about what Jesus went through, look at His grace

Put on an unfair trial it goes further though

They could have set Him free, but they let a murderer go

I heard it was so barbaric how they beat him and mocked Him

Man that's God in the flesh, He could have easily stopped Him

But He thought about us and not Him, He was crucified

That's the most painful death, He was bruised, then died

Joseph wrapped Him in linen and placed

Jesus Christ to lay, put Him in a grave

They closed to tomb, even put a stone in the way

But when the angels came back the stone had rolled away

He rose from the grave, it's great, He's rare with his grace

Redemption for Adam's sin and all who will inherit his ways

We just got to believe and we'll be freed today

We should rejoice, make noise, cause we've been saved, from...