Gotta Grow

Verse 1:

I wasn't never the type that's tryna kill folks(Nothing too bad maybe dabbled in a lil smoke

A lil lust, but wasn't never seen as a bad dude

Was livin for myself dreamed of wealth and makin cash move

Was told of a savior who raised named Jesus

That paid full of grace and I did believe it

They told me He would hold me and I was blessed wit Christ

I'm like, "I get to go to Heaven? Man I'm set for life."

But after that, I was just ya average Sunday Christian

Up in church wit my bible, back Monday sinning

Up in the school yard trying hard to blend in

Was acting dead as a carcass and far from livin

I was all up in the world, I was just like the rest of them

Called myself a Christian, but would sin with the best of them

I wouldn't share my faith or read my Word its crazy

I was a immature believer, a spiritual baby


We gotta grow, we can't stay in the same place

We gotta grow, we gotta be seeking His face

We gotta grow, so if you saved and you've been pardoned

We gotta grow, you ain't done you just getting started


Verse 2:

I was my own guide, would never dive in His truth

But didn't realize that I was set aside for His use

So I'd just live for what I thought was my best interest

Around nonbelievers you couldn't tell the difference

Wasn't a thug, nah I ain't got no horror story

But was living for myself not the Lord and His glory

My confession: I didn't seek my Dad's perfection

Was going down the wrong road like I had bad directions

Until He showed my not imitating the Christ

And living for me I was truly wasting my life

And that Christ died so I could have relationship

But by my actions I refused to take this gift

Until He made a switch and now I want some more of Him daily

By His grace I'm growing and have matured from a baby

I'm so grateful that I've been torn from sin

And day by day He's making me more like Him


Verse 3:

So for my believers, I just wanna encourage yall

To draw closer to the Lord I know you heard His call

Even if you ain't smoking or shooting at domes

If you don't do it all for His glory, you doing it wrong

Heaven ain't the only reason we got saved

If we don't get to know Jesus then we got played

Plus we gotta change, He said He'd change us all

And that faith without fruit, that ain't faith at all

Sanctification, check Romans 6

We 'posed to switch, die to sin and grow in holiness

All my brothers and sister I know this walk is tough

But even if you young just getting saved is not enough

We gotta talk to Him, read who the Lord in the skies is

The reason we breathe is to enjoy and glorify Him

I'm grateful the Father is changing ya boy

And getting closer to Him is an unexplainable joy
