True Security

There is a young girl

up in her teenage years

Up in the world thriving with teenage peers

She’s popular

but there is one thing to be made clear

Low self esteem was the reason for her teenage tears

She thought she wasn’t pretty enough

Or cool as the next kid

Wasn’t skinny enough

So dudes she would mess with

So they would be chillin with her

And she’d feel accepted

And in the end what up she still get rejected

She couldn’t really see seeking the Lord

But thought she could find peace

in an eating disorder

Everytime she loose 10

and said just 10 more

But her friends all confused

like what you doing this for

Started to cling to this foolish disorder

Figured this out that she had it

The students ignored her

Dag I’m praying for my sister

That she would cling to the God

That can save and deliver

I’m praying for my sister

That she would cling to the God

that can save and deliver

True security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he’s down and around for life

I’m praying for my sister

That she would cling to the God

that can save and deliver

True security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he’s down and around for life

There’s a young dude up in his teenage years

Huggin a black grafitter

With his teenage peers

He still does it

One thing to be made clear

Not be the down with the rest

is his Teenage fears

And where he come from

Selling work aint that crazy

A few kats his age they had babies

All he wants to do lay around

And hang out crazy

maybe smoke something drank

got his vision hazy

Plus he just got the new Jeezy cd

Wanna be like the D boys he see on TV

Heard of church but aint got a suit that’s 3 piece

So he think that it isnt safe for him

some girls down the block

want a date from him

A decade down the road his baby will be ten

He’ll be locked up

I am praying for my brother

that he would cling to God

that can save when we suffer

I am praying for my brother

that he would cling to God

that can save when we suffer

True Security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he is down and around for life

I am praying for my brother

that he would cling to God

that can save when we suffer

True Security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he is down and around for life

Another young one up in they teenage years

Put on a pedestal

above all they teenage peers

Father’s a Pastor

One thing he made clear we serve Christ

But daddy couldn’t see their tears

See they felt insufficient

Like they could not match up to dad

No matter how much good they stacked

Like they was failing

every single test they faced

And felt like satan next to their expectations

Suicidal thoughts went through their brain

They dreams of killing myself

Didn’t realize Christ is perfect in our weakness

So they tried to hide it

like they life was sweetness

For infront of fam he was quotin scripture

Just couldn’t understand

he who wrote the scripture

Dag I am praying for my Family

That we would realize he died

So guys would have a plan b

I am praying for my sisters

That they would cling to the God

Who can save and deliver

True Security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he is down and around for life

I am praying for my brothers

that he would cling to God

that can save when we suffer

True Security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he is down and around for life

I am praying for my Family

That we would realize he died

So guys would have a plan b

True Security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he is down and around for life

Yeah I’m praying for my family

That we would realize

That he died so guys would have a plan b

True security is found in Christ

He will never leave you

he is down and around for life

Speaking part

Yeah True Security is found in Christ

You don’t have to search for it in ourselves

Or in that dude or in that female

Or acceptance from men

True security is found in Jesus Christ

The only place to find it

Praise the Lord that he died

And we can come to him

Find our security in him

Find our everything in him

Only in Christ