My Humanity

Again and again

I do the wrong thing

I'm trying

I'm doing the best I can

To do the right thing

I'm sorry, I'm trying

Do you know

How hard it was for me

To say these things to you

To apologise

By writing a song for you?

Do you know

How much courage it took

To not talk to your face?

You see, I'm an artist

And you are not one

So you wouldn't understand

My pain is deeper

My problems more complex

Than yours are

Do you know

How hard it was for me

To say these things to you

In a song

So you don't get the answer?

Do you know

How much courage it takes

To stand in front of people that love me?

And maybe

This song will elevate me

To a godlike status

And then you will see

The people validate me:

"He's vulnerable

He's sensitive

He's lovely."

And they'll say:

"Do you know

How hard that was for him?

He's such a fucking champ

Shame on you!

How could you hurt him?"

And they'll say:

"He's our Lord!

How dare you question him?"

And they'll converge on you

(And shreds of your clothing will be flung skyward as his legion of fanatical devotees, their eyes bright with blind love, feast! )

Feast, my children! Because I'm so goddamn interesting and in touch with my feelings that all shall bow down to me and despair!

(And he shall float down to the place where you once stood, graceful as though he were on an invisible trolley. And the surging throng shall part before him as if he were a dark Moses, and all that shall be left of you is a... hat.)

(Do you know

How hard that was for him?)

To have you destroyed

Understand, I couldn't let you live

You'd become

A symbol of my weakness

Of my humanity

My humanity

My humanity

And all semblance of the man I once was will be gone, encased in majestic fantasy, surrounded by sycophantic cronies paralysed by fear, I will become... a god. A GOD!