Someday The Lord

Someday, the Lord's gonna take me away from here

He'll take away all my misery and fear

And He'll take me up to see a better place

And the times we'll have will be completely ace

And He'll say, "Go to sleep, my son,"

Yes, He'll be like a Dad to me

But a Dad with magic powers

'Cause He's the Lord

Someday, the Lord's gonna meet me at a party

And He won't say, "You don't remember my name, do you?"

He won't embarass me or put me to shame

He'll just be graceful and repeat His f**king name

And I will say to Him, "It's nothing personal,"

And He will understand

'Cause He's the Lord.

Someday, the Lord's gonna like the movie Tron

And He won't laugh at me because I like it too

And He'll go with me to Tron marathons

And we'll dress up like Tron and buy Tron merchandise

And we'll hunt autographs together

And He'll let me stand next to Tron

And He'll take the photograph

'Cause He's the Lord.

For the Lord is a powerful man

He can get you what you need

He can have you resurrected

He can get you some shit hot weed

Someday, the Lord's gonna find me a lovin' girl

He'll set us up with a mansion and a trust fund

And we won't have to do anything all day

We won't have to work, or even have to play

Yon: We'll be completely free of cares

We'll be suspended in a tank

And He will feed us through a tube

'Cause He's the Lord

I don't ask much from the Lord

But I ask to be fed through a tube