Sodomizing The Lamb (The Kings Conquering)

I am the rapist of the Jesuit whores

Breeding the sodomizers of the lamb

I am the slayer of Golgotha

Sodomizing the lamb

The earth rumbles as Hell's belfry chimes

The moon turns red as blood from dead angels

The stars fall to the earth as fire through the sky

Legions beleaguer the throne of Christ

I am at one with the fist of Gog

To smash the pearly heaven gates open

I am at one with the fist of Magog

To tear Christ from his golden throne

I am at one with the sword of Satan

To slaughter the 12 angels dead

I am at one with the fire of Hell

To burn the 7 churches down

The earth rumbles...

I am the rapist..

Sodomizing the lamb