Dear Jani Lane

Dear Jani Lane

Would you please explain

Where did the Down Boys go?

Did you spend all the cash?

From drinkin', smokin' hash,

and doing too much blow?

You ran around the world

Ran around the world

Drank the finest wine

Platinum several times

You had a lot fun, Jani

Now I want mine

Dear Jani Lane

I wrote to explain

I always thought you rocked

But have you lose your mind

Did you flip your lid

I saw you with a mohawk

You partied town to town

Married Bobbi Brown

Houses in the hills

Hundred dollar bills

You ain't a punk rocker, Jani

You're from '89

Dear Jani Lane

Please let's refrain

Heaven's too far away

That "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Really kicked my ass

But "Dog Eat Dog" was gay

So write another hit

Write another hit

Sing another song

Rhyme another rhyme

I always liked your stuff, Jani

How do you like mine?

P.S. Mom and dad, this is Jani

Jani, this is my mom and dad

He wrote a monster ballad

He wrote a monster ballad

Where did the Down Boys go?

Where did the Down Boys go?

Where did the Down Boys go?

Where did the Down Boys go???