Lyrics Tura Satana

Tura Satana


I'd like to take you someplace where angels fear to tread I always hate to love you

Get out of my head it's easy just to say it so hard to be kind these thoughts are still within me infecting my


Pushing it's way out burning in my mouth

Until it hurts

I'd like to violate you I've done it before I always love to hate you you perfect whore it's easy to imagine

I'm somebody else so much has happened inside myself

Pushing it's way out burning in my mouth

Until it hurts

I'd like to push you down I'd like to push you under I'd like to push it in you I'd like to push you push


I'd like to give you something a piece of me you always like to take it so easily I never wanted us to end

this way but somethings changed in me I'm not the same

Pushing it's way out burning in my mouth and now I'm dry

Lyrics > Tura Satana Lyrics