Final Warning

owners of cars

closers of bars

cross country stars

this is my final warning

breakers of deals

stealers of meals

sealers of seals

this is my final warning

all you squares in the dead zone

beware in the danger zone

all you squares in the dead zone

knock knock and there's nobody home

jump back, jump back

step back, step back

when you die you'll be dead

you'll be on your own

I'm gonna make you well-behave

I'm gonna penetrate your cave

I'm gonna dance on your grave

this is my final warning

I'll burn you at the stake

I'll throw you in a lake

I'll never hesitate, never hesitate

this is my final warning

all you squares in the dead zone

beware in the danger zone

all you squares in the dead zone

knock knock and there's nobody home

jump back, jump back

step back, step back

when you die you'll be dead

you'll be on your own

it's the final countdown

for the final clampdown

this is my final warning

I'm gonna keep you running

I'll kill you in the morning

when you see me coming

I'll kill you all, without mercy