Till the Last Man Falls

Far away, Beyond the bay

Rugged hills tower over the woods

A fort stands steadfastly on each top

No pinewood this enchanting at night,

Nor water so blue or bright

This is the land of the Fenns

Once the trees were as old as the world

Whole Tavastia was quiet and tranquil

Now those days have gone by

Left: mourning and loud war cries

A chain of six bonfires blaze

People start running back and forth

In these distant towns of North

Hundreds of years We've fought

Thousands of men dropped their sword

'til the last man falls - We vow

Blow Your horns, Prepare for war

War ships float towards the town

With crosses sewed on their sails

The huge fort gates are boomed

The ones left outside are doomed

United agaist the cross We stand

Suddenly all the people fell quiet

The cloudless heavens turned scarlet

Drumskins strongly boomed from the skies

The signs of warfare were infront of our eyes

See the battle raging - Grab Your sword

A distant thunder rumbling - Bend your bows

The great arrows fly, Stallions whine

Long chains creak, Heath echoing

Finally the victory is achieved

Last enemies retreat

Much blood have been spilled

Hundreds of men been killed

Cheering and celebrating can be heard

Far away, Beyond the bay

Rugged hills tower over the woods

A fort stands steadfastly on each top

When will the old Gods fall?

For how long will the spirit live on?

United against the cross we stand