Bella Donna

I've got rustled hair and my best shirt lying on the floor

And you're still in my bed

It's barely light out

But there's an aching in my head

Left from the night before

I forget how you prefer your coffee

Pardon me

It's been awhile since our last mistake

And you're still lying there so delicate

Like glimmering glass

You're porcelain and I'm afraid to break

And knew that you were gone

The moment I walked in

Figured there's no need to wait around

And talk about the sins that we committed

Or the ones still yet to come

So we skipped the awkward goodbyes

You never were one for convention

And I hope someday we meet again

Under different circumstances maybe

Maybe just as friends

Because as lovers I shattered you

And even though you'll never see it

Picking up the pieces cut my hands up too