59 to 1

It's 59 to 1 against you

It's 59 to 1 against me

59 seconds of everyone

59 seconds of everyone

59 seconds of everyone minute

59 seconds of everyone

59 seconds of everyone

59 seconds of everyone of misery

So you don't go out much any more?

yeah..oh yeah,how much?

Weell i couldn't do it all

I could do maybe ten

no i don't work, i don't want to get a job you kidding?

look there's two reasons why people work

one, to take their minds off the frightening

possibility of

what they would do with all their free time if they

weren't working and two

to buy enought things to keep their minds

off the frightening possibility of what they do if they

weren't working

yeah o.k. we'll have to rendevouz somewhere

well hey i hardly even know you man

right ok

see you later

59 to 1