Southern Hummingbird (Outro)

I'm about to say

put that on dillion,(laughing)

And it feels so good

I did my album

thank you missy

I love you my guardian angel timbaland jamate, J brown, suzy

I did it Tasawnna mommy loves you,

my mom and my dad thanks for the support my brothers and sisters tom, cedric, lonnie, saundra,

my nieces and nephews, my grandma, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins

thank you and for those who said i couldn't do it wouldn't make it,

I'm still praying for ya

there's still hope for ya and

I couldn't leave without saying thanks to the one above

cause he made this all possible sylvia rome thank you, mary bob

thank you elektra staff

thank you my friends back in the bronx lisa and craig

all those who played on the album nikki, mariamme calvin, paula, shell

ya'll was there for me we did it we did it (laughing)

it feels so good yea yea yea (singing southern hummingbird)

Repeat til' fade