Liquid Friend

Well lemme, lemme tell you, a lunatic escaped from the asylum

I used to dig a hole for the body box, then I'd hide em'

In my backyard, another torture in the cellar

A dwella

A rather fucked up young fella

Got bats in my belfry

But nobody helps me

An eye on my enemy

'Cause everybody wants to kill me

I find myself in a bottle of liquor

But is it quicker

For me to stick her

Or maybe I should stick you!

What do I do?

My mind is gone with the wind

My mortal sin

Is hidden with a friendly grin

I don't know, what do ya think?

I can't see straight

Ad I've had too much to drink

Blink my eyes and try to find my soul

I'm on a roll

More like outta control

Where's my soul?

It must be on a higher plane

I'm insane

With all this butane

In my veins

Swing my head and search for a better half

Everything's funny so I guess I start to laugh

Substance abuse is takin' on a new blend

And I owe it all to my liquid friend

They callin' me a lowlife, drug addict, alcoholic son of a bitch

I'm breakin' my ass, I'm breakin' my ass, makin' them dollars, tryin' to get


I spend my loot on drug abuse and then enhance my state of mind

My soul is in the sky

I fly

My altitude is very high

I fall and crash in the graveyard with the dead

A pale moon hangs in the sky, blood red

Mislead by the demons that I see

I got this paranoid delusion that everybody wants to kill me

Flashbacks are in my mind, I walk along the wasteland

The tombstones, the wind blows, and something just touched my hand

I freeze up and can't even get a chance to blink

Where's my liquid friend, because I need another drink

You don't know how it feels to be me

Radio and TV

The strange things that I represent when you hear me

Can you see what I can see

The vision's gettin' blurry

Future's lookin' dim so I'm startin' to get worried

Makin' the burn brings for tales of the dead

Prince of pain that laughs

In the path

Of a terminal end

The shadows fallin' demons begin to hide

The dark dominion, the product of the flip side

My mind, it bleeds tales of alcoholic dreams

Light beams, drug abuse and crack fiends

Substance abuse has gained a new blend

And I owe it all to my liquid friend