They Told Me

They told me, to let go and dream of torture

And horrible things of that kind

They told me, you're only good as a thought you keep

In your head when you unlock your mind

They told me, you'll never win cause you're doomed to fail

And everything that you do just ain't right

They told me, I need to quit acting like a child

And grow up and get on with my life

I told them,

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

They told me, be afraid of the ones around you

Cause nobody's gunna have your back

They told me, make sure you get used to lonely

Cause they're gone when you fall face flat

They told me, it don't matter how you play the game

Cause in the end you're a loser anyway

They told me, see even when you win you lost

They forget you by the end of the day

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

They told me, to get ghost and leave the set

I'll never be a star where I'm at

They told me, you're only good as the weight you can bare

When the world is upon your back

They told me, you never win cause you never complete

Or finish anything that you start

They told me, they like to look for mistakes we make

Another reason they can pick us apart

I told them,

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

They told me, black dreams and all the things with murder

Are really nothing more then a phase

They told me, the medication seems to be working

Erasing each and every bad day

They told me, you better leave before we call the cops

And take away what's left of your life

They told me, so I just started staring him and her

Who I thought was his wife

I told them,

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die

Fuck you motherfucker fuck you fuck-die