Why the children

Look at my eyes

I'm bout to dig up my little brother's body at the graveyard

I'm trippin' real hard

Hop the fence with a shovel in my hand

Walk silently, don't make a sound in the dead land

Shadows switched and become demons of hell

As I walk alone down the windy trail

Lookin' for the tombstone with his name

Hear the cries of a little girl in pain

Sitting alone by the grave, she screams and cries

But something was wrong with this bitch's eyes

She turned around and her eyes were a deep red

Blood stains matted her hair to her fuckin' head

Seein' the sight, I almost began to choke

I swung the shovel and the girl turned into smoke

What was happening, did I lose my mind?

Dug up a grave, let her breathe for the first time

Back on the move, I gots to find my kid

My little brother who died with mortal sin

Along the way, I dug up a couple of graves

Of some children who died at a young age

Why did life deal such a bad hand

Like my brother who got killed by a man

Man, and I never knew

Why I couldn't stop stabbing him when everybody told me to

They said that I was a killer and a family disgrace

Cursed my name and smacked me in the face

Time to right my wrongs and correct my sins

Dig up my brother so I can be closer to him

Back down the trail of the winding path

I hear some voices behind me start to laugh

They were the souls of the children I'd released

From the grave a whole 6 feet deep

Down they go to earth with a smiling face

No more cries of pain in this evil place

There's my brother's gravesite just ahead

Time to dig a hole and wake the dead

Scratch the ground to reunite my family ties

My little brother, the product of my blood lines

Find the box, pull it out, put it in place

Open the casket and touch little Joey's face

Start to cry but remember what I had did

How could I have taken the life of such a little kid?

Hold him close and tell him everything's alright

Carry his body off into the moonlight

Back thru the graveyard, lookin' for the ones I missed

With my brother on my shoulder and he's lifeless

Down the streets on the way to my house

Bugs and insects keep falling out of his mouth

Got to my house and kicked open the door

Lay Joey's body on the cold floor

Now I'm trippin' and I don't know what to do

Light some candles to brighten up the room

Standin' over his body with my knife

Please God, give Joey back his fuckin' life

I slit his throat, maybe that'll help him breathe

Cut off his eyelids, maybe now he'll see

''Why did you do this to me Jamie? Why did you do this to me? Why did you do

this to me? Why did you do this Jamie? It's your turn to die now!

It's your turn to live in a graveyard!''

''This is why children shouldn't play with dead things...''