Lyrics Two Gallants

Two Gallants

Fail Hard to Regain

Well once I knew a railway girl

her age was 17

I gave her all I had to give

but the baggage of my dreams

stole me from the games we play scorned me for my mess

and if she's gone, she lingers on

I beg you, please don't ask

'twas on her dark march she pinned south bound I did ride

my head was out the window

and I found her at my side

asked where I was going to

I told but where I came

'fore the jails in which ive done my time

I fail hard to regain

dark girl, dark gril

it kills me so to watch you so afraid you know that

you've been to real to those whom

realness should be vague

her eyes gone wide, "alive" she cried

does pleasure ever last?

we live to see but patiently

I beg you, please don't ask

she took me in, despite my sins

fed me tea and such

and as she fell, just like a child

I crumbled 'neath her touch

I held my breath and feared to weep for the fragments of my brain

see, each day's but a moment

that I fail hard to regain

but as it goes

the fiddler throws

all values to the street

and old world fame stains his gaze

and patience is his feat

as captives of this paltry train,

we curse our mortal task

forgive us though, we all must go

and where to please don't ask

and now I am a misspent man

who knows not where he's been

and those so sapped with suffering the worst is yet unseen

renounce myself for further wealth

I take each breath in vain

still haunted by that railway girl

I fail hard to regain