Lyrics Two Gallants

Two Gallants

Reflections of the Marionette

Darlin I can't wait

For you to leave this town

You just got here too late

And no one wants you 'round

With one foot on my back

And the other on the rail

I don't want to see you fall

I just want to see you fail

Call the dogs and sound the horns

The city key of wheres I borns

Has been stolen by someone

I thought I knew

She blew in with some angel dust

From southern state where love is lust and I hope she's gone

By the time this song is through

The streets she only knows by name

Of dead white men who rose to fame

By slitting every throat along

The way she transcends the avenue

An eye for me, a wink for you

I feel myself becoming yesterday

But darlin' I can't wait

For you to leave this town

You just got here too late

And no one wants you 'round

With one foot on my back

And the other on the rail

I don't want to see you fal

I just want to see you fail

And the night is sweet

The night's divine

It stains your cheeks

With blood-red wine

And leaves you lyin'

In your enemy's arm

And while you mumble down the hall

Something bout a skin made wall

You find you're just a sucker

For her charms

And the vanity that cased the skin

Shoves you in before they sin

And see your sense of self

Just fade away

And see you're just a one man show

And once you're done

It's time to go

Hear yourself

Your footsteps down the way

But darlin' I can't wait,

For you to leave this town

You just got here too late

And no one wants you 'round

With one foot on my back

And the other on the rail

I don't want to see you fall

I just want to see you fail

And his youth protects the failing light

With his shirt sleeves rolled

And the humid night

And he drags his heels

When he hears her call his name

And wondering when love will descend

From a lofty room where all dreams end

In her waiting room

He leans upon his cane

And his turn comes

The next in line

The well-worn steps he slowly climbs see

A line of meathooks on display

And in the streets

The siren sings

What words they tell

What news they bring

The puppet and his cold coat strings obeys

But darlin' I can't wait,

For you to leave this town

You just got here too late

And no one wants you 'round

With one foot on my back

And the other on the rail

I don't want to see you fall

I just want to see you fail

I don't want to see you fall

I just want to see you fail