Backslider's Prayer

He said, "I know this ain't the time or place

But Lord I need to talk"

In a business suit in a corner booth

In a crowded little restaurant

We all tried not to listen

We all tried not to look

But a whole room full of customers

And the waitress and the cook

All stopped what we were doin'

When he bowed his head

In that silence we heard

Every word he said

"I been tryin' to do things my way

Down here on life's highway

Slippin', slidin', sideways

'Tween no way and nowhere

If I could only gain a foothold"

"Up there on your high road

Lord, if you hear me, help me

I'll do anything you tell me to

All I've got to offer you is this

Backslider's prayer"

Well the waitress made the first move

When she filled his coffee cup

She said, "You ain't alone here mister

You're speakin' for the rest of us"

I heard some scattered "Amens"

And a couple of "I've been there's"

Then things got back to normal

The dishes and the silverware

Were clangin' in the kitchen

Like an angel's band

As I took my place in line

To shake his hand


I been tryin' to do things my way

Down here on life's highway

Slippin', slidin', sideways

'Tween no way and nowhere

If I could only gain a foothold

Up there on your high road

Lord, if you hear me, help me

I'll do anything you tell me to

All I've got to offer you is this

Backslider's prayer

If I could only gain a foothold

Up there on your high road

Lord if you hear me, help me

I'll do anything you tell me to

All I've got to offer you is this

Backslider's prayer