
Homeland we're leaving, we are retreiving

Our right to stand alone, we cannot stay here

Fear not what must be, we must cross the sea

On our own

standing alone

Always we got by on our own.

Under stormy skies through rain, wind and raging sea

Head into the Unknow, leave behind.

Bonds that may bind, circumstance that keep us behind

Rise to meet the day hold high torches passed throught time.

Fear not what you might find.

Ver sterk mín sál á l[]ldu náttarvakt

Har eingi altarjós til gudar brenna

Har hv[] ein vón av fannkava var takt

Og hjarta ongan hita meir kann kenna

Ver stór mín sál sum rúmdar kalda t[]gn

Ið eina er, tá sloknar lívsins s[]gn.

Roads are long and oceans far and wide

Nights are cold and skies are dark and gray

Ride the autumn wind and evening tide

Time is long and land is far away

Out on the sea

Waitng for me

Storms are raging violently

Still we sail on silently.

We seek to tame the torrents and tides

Master the Mights

Sail with me across the raging sea

Write your tale into eternity

Still we've sighted only sea till now

As we sail I sometimes wonder how

Rest in the twilight, I have gained insight

Since the deeds of younger days

Now I'm wiser, raise my eyes gaze across the sea

And recall when we sailed away

Sought a new way

How I longed for far far away

In the sun set glow

I dreamt of another Land

A thousand years from that day.

Cattle die

Kinsmen will die

I myself must die too someday

All are mortal men, but fair fame will never fade

For the man who wins it.

Ver sterk mín sál á mj[]rkantungu ferð

Har taettar fylkjast um teg gráar gátur

Tín barnaflokkur - úttaerdur hann er,

Og sárur kennist hans sólsvangi grátur

Ver stór mín sál í dagsins royndar stund

Holl veitir nátt hin dreymaleysa blund.

Roads are long and oceans far and wide

Nights are cold and skies are dark and gray

Ride the autumn wind and evening tide

Time is long and land is far away

Out on the sea

Waitng for me

Storms are raging violently

Still we sail on silently.

We seek to tame the torrents and tides

Master the Mights

Sail with me across the raging sea

Write your tale into eternity

Still we've sighted only sea till now

As we sail I sometimes wonder how far to Asgaard.