Lyrics Uncle Tupelo

Uncle Tupelo

D. Boon

do you remember, remember D. Boon

part of what he was is a part of me now

and if you think back, where would he be

where would I be if time had allowed

this isn't written for any one man

it's about me

this isn't written for anyone alive

just the songs that he sang

I've been told

that it's a waste of time

well, so what

will it be worth mine

and if Managua's bullets don't fly

young men still would die for glory

or for their countries

it's just me and Jay

playing our guitars along with it all

this isn't written for any one man

it's about me

this isn't written for anyone alive

just the songs that he sang

and I'm not old

so I've got nothing but time to waste

will it be worth mine