Horror Finders (Maldoror Song)
Take as yours (the) breath of timeless wind
And sing the song of Maldoror.
A virulent outburst of thoughts.
Hill illuminate dark depths of mind
(your true nature will be reveiled to you).
Dark is our name, violent our conception
Horror finders is all we are.
Gastly dreams disturb my sleep
New bad thought takes roots in my soul.
So reality comes and I'm the ghoul
Searching for new ways of horror.
Your true name will be reveiled to you
Appear innocently, umprejudiced
To this new universe of emotions.
Gastly dreams disturb my sleep
New bad thought takes roots in my soul.
So reality comes and I'm the ghoul
Searching for new ways of of horror.
I'm the shadow behind you
Imagining how to cause pain.
Take as yours (the) breath of timeless wind
And sing the song of Maldoror.
A virulent outburt of thougts.
Hill iluminate dark depths of mind
(your true nature will be reveiled to you).
Dark is our nature, violent our conception,
Horror finders is all we are.
Your true nature will be reveiled to you.
Appear innocently, umprejudiced
To this new universe of emotions.
We'rent monsters, just humans, to much human.