Legend Of Demusar

Beyond the limits of time when the oceans swallowed

The glorious ancient cities when the grand kingdoms

Expanded all around the world at that time!!!

A merciless world, a cryptic world!

before wish was born when man was

An abstract idea without kingdoms, with no laws

Expanded all around the world at that time!!!

A merciless world, a cryptic world!

The mask of the super natural powers

He who will look at it even once

The demusar, dies immediately

From its powerful light!!!

The mask of death the legend of demusar

The avenger of evil full of mortal-nails!

Its light carries you away into an infuriated swirl

Into the rotten tomb of hades flooded

With the martyrdom of insanity

In the dark sea of fear! Rage and pain!

The ancient tribes of akeron say that in order to dry

The light of the sun you have to swim

In the dark sea of fear! Rage and pain!

There was demusar then which feel like a sphere of flames

From the sky on earth, good people found it

It might keep away – the bad ones!

The enigma of the centuries it seems that the power

Of demusar has two sides! A truly very strange

Object which is used for good or bad-purpose!!

open the gates of hades

Open the empire of evil

Worship old glorious religions

With absolute hate and apocryphal – pain!!!

The mask of the supernatural powers

He who will loot at it even once

The demusar, dies immediately

From it’s powerful light!!!

The mask of death the legend of demusar

The avenger of evil full of mortal-nails!!!