Sacred Ahlat

Centuries ago a malicious magician in this country of


Conceived the plan of the extermination

Of an ancient dynasty this was reigning over this


Using cunning words he convinced his people

Dethroned the king, imprisoned him,

Slaughtered him and sacrificed him to the altar of the


Inhabitants groaned under the tyranny!

(I have seen) rebels, worse than the tyrants

Who they had overthrown!

He was calling himself a prophet and a priest of

unknown gods

They were talking only to him about the coming of one

of them

So that this god would reign in the sacred Ahlat!!!

This is how he named it, the glorious – Ahlat!!!

Using infernal and unholy rituals he called in this

Field of existence a demon woman from the outside world

To serve the people as a goddess!

But the magician lost the control over the grim-

looking, being

So he exterminated him in order to reign

In his place – eternally!

The being, you see, is immortal and it’s power springs

From the ability to steal the souls of the people!

So this country which once upon a time

Was green and peaceful

(now is dried up by it’s vampire thirst now)

Leaving out only Ahlat!!

He was calling him self a prophet and a priest of

unknown gods

They were talking only to him about the coming of one

of them

So that this god would reign in the sacred Ahlat!

This is how he named it, the glorious – Ahlat!!

The unknown gods will subside and will sent the


To sow the seeds of right and peace on the ungraceful


It will have a name ancient and all powerful

The yells of death

Which echo across…. Ahlat!! Ahlat!!! Ahlat!!!!