The Depths Of Gnar

Hell – fire – and brimstone the smell of burning flesh

Here tortured souls agonize eternally

In their crimes and sins.

Perched on his throne lord devil surveys his realm

Contented and flanked by two female pit fiends, this hell

For others, is a veritable orgy for him

But horny devils are known

For their excess and this one is no exception!

From across a chasm of lava fate has been kind

She had been hunted and killed by her people

For practicing witchcraft and wanted to get retribution

For this harsh sentence of death and on going torture –

in hell!!

That she will be given the amulet of Xo to transport

Through the depths of Gnar and out of the caves of


Her plight will soon fall upon the lands of moribund

Her quest would be to rulethe above world

For the devil!!! For the devil!!!!