Lyrics Varius Manx

Varius Manx

In Spite Of All

Lights go out conversations over what quiet down

the last tramway runs away from the night

i hate these moments

when i have to fight with a silence cause

i always loose and again i think of you

of you

Flash of gold

we met in a small cafe downtown

and then you said

you trust me so deeply

sometimes i wish

you left your perfect life for me

but smile of your child

remainds me you`re not mine

In spite of all

i wish you happyness

in spite of all

please always be yourself

in spite of all

don't degrade anything

in spite of all

take care and save your dreams

People say i live in a cage made by myself

but i don't care

i just keep away from this game

you're not with me

you're live in other side

i hope everything you do is the best for you

for you

I have no right to love you

i have not right to hold you

just give me the right to dry your tears

when you ever cry

if your love is great you don't have to be afraid

cause all the world is yours

lights go out but i can't fall asleep one more time

i loose with the night.