Lyrics Varius Manx

Varius Manx

This Kind Of Days

Sometimes this kind of days

comes here from nowhere

sometimes this kind of days

comes here from nowhere

sometimes this kind of days

comes here from nowhere

A little drops of rain

are rolling down my face

i wonder for me

frowns with my tears

I'm walking down the street

i guess i lost myself

but it`s strange

cause i've been living here for years

I feel so small and fragile

like little leaves in grass, but

and moment i feel just a feather blowing in the wind

blowing in the wind

Sometimes this kind of days

comes here from nowhere

and teases my feelings

a little girl from the past

suddenly wakes up inside of me

i know

If i could turn back the time

if i could push the clock rewind

i would do it now?

oh dear,

i swear

I'm lying on the sand

and talking to my toy

we're dreaming on

strolling around lollypops

My mommy is so young

she is smiling all the time

daddy says that i'll be like she

someday, i can`t believe it's gone

but life still goes on

i'm walking down the street

and wiping my tears away

my lonely tears

Sometimes these kind of days

comes here from nowhere

and teases my feelings

a little girl from the past

suddenly wakes up inside of me

if i could turn back the time