Anus Mundi

I still see an army of shadows at the lethal assemblies

A recollection of people with dead gazes

I see skin pulled on exhausted despair

Unceasingly hanged between life and death

I still see a heap of bodies at the dreadful square

Dummies shrouded in a silent lack of reverence

I see a smiles af uniformed hatred

Collecting a toll for the implacable destiny

... and I am still afraid of dreaming

I still hear a scream of metallic deliverance

Smashing up skulls by the wall of tears

I hear a thousand sighs of unimportant numbers

Whose prayers flow with blood among laughter

I still hear steps of countless transports

While they go into the flaming arms of the unknown

I hear the last words of convicted temporality

And a wind dancing with clouds of smoke

... and I am still afraid of dreaming

I still remember belowed faces contorted with pain

And horryfying masks on triumphal sadism

I remember cruel ruthlessness of stripped slavery

In a dishonorable world of reversed Decalogue

I still see, I still hear, I still remember

Do you?