Ripe Cadavers

Insanity's spawn addicted to flesh - aimlessly running amok

A murderous mind craving for death - feeding the sickening needs

Slashing throats with no precision

No mercy shown

Drooling and groaning

Perverted, ecstatic

Revel in septic remains

Stabbing the neck, blood gushing out

Delightedly sucking the wound

Spattered with blood, machete in hand - Randomly severing heads

Crypt of torment, hellish haven - Butchered human collection

Headless torsos stuck on poles - Bloated bodies to explode

Fountains of pus, nauseous malodour - Corpses dislimbed, lay in disarray

Cannibalistic terror, seek out and maim - Perversity incarnated, a creature of hate

Puncture the head, rip out the spine - Dismember the lifeless flesh

Playing with eyeballs, cuddling with bowels - Deranged to the utter degree

The hunger so unbearable - Need to feed

Drooling and groaning

Perverted, ecstatic

Return to the crypt to feast upon the