Lyrics Voodoo Glow Skulls

Voodoo Glow Skulls

The Morning Air Raid Sirens

Abusing power for senseless tragedy

Given the honor among the thieves

Family traditions and breeding tyranny

Veiled under the guise of the American dream.

I don't wanna wake up to morning air raid sirens

Don't wanna end up in World War 3

Don't wanna blow up to morning air raid sirens

Don't wanna be another faceless casualty

Who's got the power? Where's the morality?

Raised with scouts honor. False prophet loyalty

They must love the smell of napalm in the morning

An eye for an eye only makes the world go blind.

Old men declaring war but it's the youth who fight

Dying like a dog for no good reason

Casting ballots for the lesser of two evils

The devil laughing preparing his acceptance speech

I don't feel safe living in this scary place

Let's raise a toast for the end of time

Faceless leaders taking us down with them

Clearing a path for selfish ambition

Blind lead the blind through the senseless battlefield

Holding the hands of the idiots that have no clue

Who's gonna step up, take us to that better place

What's it gonna take, for us to live as one

Feels like we're sitting pretty

In the hull of someone's sinking ship

I don't feel safe living in this scary place

Only the marching dead will see the end of time.