Raped by Light

A rebel cursed from below

A devil in the eyes of those above

I am a fallen angel, a god-hating demon

I am an arising bandit, an erotic sinner

Embrased the fruits of our sexuality

It is in man's nature to take and not to recive

Folding hands, bending down on your knees

Praying that divine powers will punish the likes of me

But tell me are you deaf, stupid, or blind?

History has showed us that man is evil

Und nur die Kraft des Bösen besteht

In the vision of the perverted man

There is a universe for others unseen

An image of the darkest place to be

Diagnosed with the sickness of being irreligious

A degenerated form of life. Oppressed by awe. Raped by


A rebel cursed from below

A devil in the eyes of those above

A deviant from god-fearing morality

A fulfiller of forbidden fantasies