Four Thrones

Come redeeming wings of final judgement

the greatest war to bring the deepest peace

tread forth in shapeless silence

through the gateway prepared for thee

oh bringer of firbidden fire

in the midst of the underworld borth

let us hold high the Chalice of Satan

and drink deep, to the world's end

Let our praise reach out to all corners of the earth

hail Levyathan!

and put fear in the hearts of all those by its mud given birth

hail Lucifer!

tonight the heavens shall burn by the love of our Lord

hail Beelzebuth!

great god of the lawless no longer in shadows adored

hail Belial!

May these words of your sons and daughters

churn thee up from chaos waters

as they reach into the outer world to summon forth the final tide

when bottomless Absu has drunk itself dry

and turns from womb to tomb

a gaping hole into which all shall fall

day of wrath unto night without end

equilibrium of Total Death

Majesties of lawless darkness

in our hearts thy thrones prepared

storm and water, earth and flame

in spirit joined, released and untamed

Deep of the west, dragon, ye crocked one

hail Leviathan!

flame of the south, lightbringer, morning sun

hail Lucifer!

storm of the east, wordless and desolate lord

hail Beelzebuth!

mount of the north, wrath of the underworld

hail Belial!