
It’s started over

It’s started over

Just when you think it’s finished

It’s started over

Just when you think we’ve got some angle on it

Just when you think we’ve somehow grown with evolution

Then all the fighting

Then all the fighting

Highlighting difference when we should be uniting

Just when you think the world was growing wiser

Just when you think that love had offered a solution

My heart is crying

My heart is crying

Witnessing visions of the innocent dying

I can’t believe we’re ever born this vicious

Only a damaged heart could carry such pollution

What are we learning?

What are we learning?

The past may disappear but it keeps returning

Just when you think the battle’s finally over

Just when you think that love had caused a revolution

It’s started over

It’s started over

Just when you think it’s finished

It’s started over

Just when you think we’ve got some angle on it

Just when you think we’ve somehow grown with evolution