Lyrics Wodensthrone


The Great Darkness

"A word; conceived in a cascade of light, given

substance via the axiom of doubt

An emblem of truth to those who bow their heads and

dwell within its shadow

Wherefore to stand in the garish light of the

antediluvian liberty

When the chastening glow of darkness brings its on


Like worms they prostate themselves before the great


and crawl on their bellies through shards of god.

Emerging in radiant gloom, a cruel mockery of


Like the twisted afterglow of a star bound in chains.

Our idols were gifted back to us as the lowest among


For the fools who dip their blades in the cesspools of


In the name of gods they never had; our godheads,

wrenched from grace

To preside o'er the hate of the heard, belighted and

broken by tyrant and state

Do not call me brother!

My cause is not your cause!

Your faith was never mine!

And mine will ne'er be yours!

The betrayers who would have us thank them for

poisoning the well of our beliefs

And bearing its perverted message as their own, to the

funeral of our creed