The Axe, The Sword, The Wind And A Wolf

The Norns warned Odin

To be careful

'Cause a demoniac wolf

Will bring a new age

The age of the axe,

The sword the wind, the wolf

This is the beginning of the end

The end of all time is near

The grey one is watching you

Hati and Skalli you will fear

Devour the sun and the moon

A wolf will bring you dead

Fight, leave the golden halls

And no mercy will get

Nobody takes pity on you

The age of the wolf

Has begun that night

We gather all warriors

A times for the brave ones

The bound one freed himself

He came to new power

Vidar you must tear

The Beast into two parts

So the gods decided to bind Fenris for all time

They took him away from his mother

And brought him to Asgard

No success to tame him his rage is to wild

Only Tyr is brave enough to feed his hungry fangs

The age of the wolf has begun in this night

We gather all warriors a time for the brave one

The bound one freed himself he came to new power

Vidar you must tear the Beast into two parts

But all these deeds

Of the gods are senseless

Because a wolf will

Never change his mind

They tried to bind him

With Lдding and Droma

But Fenrir teared the

Ropes into pieces

At least the dwarfs made mighty ties

Gleipnir now is holding the wolfs legs

And Tyr gave his hand as a pledge

The wolf is waiting for Ragnarцk

The end of all time is near

The grey one is watching you

Hati and Skalli you will fear

Devour the sun and the moon

A wolf will bring you dead

Fight, leave the golden halls

And no mercy will get

Nobody takes pity on you