Multivectorial Reionization

Scatter electrons dark ages reversion

This is a bad age for the solar system

And for this opaque universe

Neutral hydrogen lights

Spectral absorption lines atomic transition changes

High temperatures

Prevention disaster failed

Human vulnerability

Inappropriately managed risk

Supercluster of 200 billion stars

Brane distortion

Impossible resilience cosmos severity

Another big-bang is near

Perceived a black halo

Of those who try to escape

Inverted nucleosyntesis

Destroying all structures formed once in time

Dominated by ionized plasma

A new epoch of reonization

Sectioning the four-quadrant section

He knew it would happen

He was ready for this

The ship begins the vortex mitosis

Antimatter chargers are now full of energy

Proteomic spec-trometer

Warns controlled multiple and guided disintegration

I take a chance to redirect the ship

Avoid this sea of quarks and gluons

Lengths beyond Planck scale

Fluctuations. Disturbances

Darkening inflation on a complex limbo

Unidentified infrared emission