Ashes Of Man And Oak And Pine

Life fades away like the days

Autumnal rains sweep the plains

Once at one's journey's end

So short seem our days

The eternal arrow of life

Points to one direction only

No matter how you try

The wheel keeps on turning

Flames of life, flames of death

Ashes of man and oak and pine

Mingle and soar beyond the day

Far beyond, north away

Into the glacial waters

Of the ice cold nothern lakes

The flame of life has sunken

Deep down below the waves

The skyline aflame burning red

And the flames caress the stars

Like fallen from the skies

They mirror from water's placid surface

Follow the sun, follow the moon

Ashes of man and oak and pine

Mingle and soar into the night

Far beyond, north away

While you live let your spirit soar

And your fire burn forevermore

As those who crawl

Might as well be gone