Endless Song Of Happiness

Hi rak merachefet baolam shela

La la la la

Vehu menase lagaat

Hi nirtaat

Lo yodaat

Ata yoshev bapina umitbonen ba-ba

Baerev mitardema mitorer

Roe chalon patuach

Velo batuach

Ma la kara

Ma hi asta

Poched shehi kaftsa-tsa

Mibachuts hi afa

Al anan katan banta

Migdal shakuf bemikchol

Uvetocho afim

Kol hamal'achim

Vekol hafeyot haktanot

Rokdot bemaagal mistovev

Bli sof

La la la la la la

English translation

She just floats in her world

And he tries to touch

She recoils

Does not know

You sit in the corner and watch her

In the evening

You wake up from sleep

See an open window

And are not sure

What has happened to her

What has she done

You fear she has jumped

Outside she flies

On a little cloud

She has built a transparent tower

With a paintbrush

And inside it

All the angels fly

And all the little fairies dance

In a circle turning round and round
