Let Them Live

The innocent in cages wait for their fate

Murdering hands reach forth in haste

What is their crime that brings execution

What makes you god to state this solution

Let them live, hear their cries

humanity lives on with blood on its hand

Since the dawn of time, there is murder in this land

As the new age shines, the fools still kill on

Civilized death till everything is gone

Let them live, hear their cries

The innocent are lost to the righteous march

They kill the lessor ones so there's room for more

The life of the lamb is no less than mine

Gandhi spoke of this many times

The human complex grows out of control

Lost memories and godlike dreams

Free all the innocents, they are nature's soul

They deserve life as much as you and I

Let them live, hear their cries

Let them live, hear their cries

Let them live