Born Of The Crimson Flame

Blackened is the sky and demons celebrate this night

Flames await the dark one to be born

His birth has been foretold, the one whose soul is black as coal

Born of crimson flame is to seize the throne

Whimpering and weeping where the crimson flame is kept

Another sacrifice to the majesty of flame

Hooded figures chant: invoke the company of darkness

Virgin flesh below the black athame

Born of the crimson flame

Lightning in the skies, the virgin moans with teary eyes

The pain of carrying the one to Satan born

Now rise the pale full moon and the sun forever sets

One last sunset one final memory of god

Dark across the land the reign of Satan is at hand

Nightmares are releases into the night

Open thee thing eyes the world belongs to thee tonight

Of crimson fire born - chosen one!