
Josie in her car she drives and she talks

Josie in her bath she pleases and shocks

Josie on the roof an urge to be free

Josie girl don't fly away from me

Josie moves about to find her place

Josie flexes her muscles

And straightens her face

Josie in that dress looks slim and tall

Josie if we'd kiss I wouldn't mind at all

Josie in a pot is cooking herbs

And I'm in love with her

And if a witch she gets you with

That spooky charm of her

No chance you'll get away

But then you wanna stay in

That precious cage

Loving your whole life through

And everything seems quite a joke

Make it for ever you pray


I love everything you do

Listen pretty baby

I'm living my life for you

Josie puts faith into herself

And then I wonder

If she needs somebody else

I wonder if she's crying

I wonder about her heart and

Her head and her time

I'll see ya

Where all your dreams are born

But then I loose ya

To what you dream


I'm breathing the air of you

But then I'm choking

On the rest of the world

Josie puts faith into herself

And then I wonder

If she needs somebody else

I wonder if she's crying

I wonder about her heart and

Her head and her time