A Dark Chapter

A Dark Chapter

Joy has been left for a reason

Order will blind me

Hand me the chance will I take it

And play the game

No need no guilt for tomorrow

Now counting down for

Ending this task shall I torment

Standing in grace

Gone I will find myself lost

And still reach the top

Yesterday was reality

Lord I will sacrifice life

Is this fear undisguised

Standing outside a fatal scene

Walking through mist and the shadows

Close to this crossroad

Choosing the way for a future

Lies in our hands

Move on don't stop nor give up

No time, no waiting

Sentenced to reach, be a dreamer

Now hear my calls

Gone I will find myself lost

And still reach the top

Yesterday was reality

Lord I will sacrifice life

Is this fear undisguised

Standing outside a fatal scene

Hope shall guide us forever

Grant me time for our answer

Patronized, fragile dreams must stay alive

Hope shall guide us forever

Grant me time for our answer

Patronized, fragile dreams must stay alive

Think what's beyond this darkness

Waiting for answers

I will believe in my future

Dreams lies within

Bring me joy, bring me freedom

Bring me some conscience

Leave me with strength and respect

Lead me through pain

Gone I will find myself lost

And still reach the top

Yesterday was reality

Lord I will sacrifice life

Is this fear undisguised

Standing outside a fatal scene

Nothing you say, will change things

Grief from within still teach me

All of my past, in vain

Dark turns to light, turns to night-time

Seduced by a life so far from here

Now desolates from within

Bring back the joy take me back again,

Away from deception and pain

I'm aware, alone we are facing the dark

Chow me the way, guide me in the storm,

Care for me bring me some light

I am awake, alone we're waiting the dark

I am awake, alone we're waiting

Hope shall guide us forever

Grant me time for our answer

Patronized, fragile dreams must stay alive