Great White Hunter

I am the Great White Hunter

And you know I've come to search

Just to further human knowledge

All for science and research

And if by chance I bring back

What I am looking for

They'll be someone somewhere waiting

With their fingers round a purse

I am the missionary christian

I'm taking violence to the blacks

Oh I am threatening western culture

And I'm collecting all the tax

I'm taking whiskey to the natives

A tribal comes bourgeoisie

Of course a market's just a market

I'm working for the bourgeoisie

But don't associate me with that no more

And maybe that's a color but I am sure

I'm not like that and I never will

Condone the things they do and the reasons that they kill

Well I will murder baby seals

And I'll sell their skins for gold

I'll murder injun's in the jungle

Just to make way for a road

And I will fight the rebel armies

All for profit, not for cause

I'll sell arms to rival armies

And make profit from their wars

But don't associate me with that no more

And maybe that's a color but I am sure

I'm not like that and I never will

Condone the things they do and the reasons that they kill

Oh well! I am the Great White Hunter

Oh yes! I am the great exploiter

Oh yes! I am the great destroyer

Oh yes! I am the Great White Hunter

But don't associate me with that no more

And maybe that's a color but I am sure

I'm not like that and I never will

Condone the things they do and the reasons that they kill