Ways Of The World

Lack of motivation? At every occasion

Tell me, did you earn your name?

So why did you reckon it would bring you fame?

Lack of understanding? It's kind of demanding

So then, did you earn your respect?

I'd rather say you suffer from a defect

Condemn the free mind, salute conformity

For now, it will at least bring humility

For all what it's worth - past glory

I bring no comfort

Lack of dedication? That's why I'm on medication

Well, how did you ever earn your integrity?

You're nothing but a failure in eternity

Lack of measures? I never found any treasures

Now, how did you get your crown?

For me it'll represent the lake in which you'll drown

Condemn the free mind, salute conformity

For now, at least it will bring humility

For all it's worth - final cut

I will keep my mouth shut