Coisich, A Ruin
Smudladh Mi's Mi Air Maineol
Kenny MacDonald's Jigs
Kepplehall / 25 Kts
Barra Clapping Song
Maideanan Na h-Airidh
Eastern Reel
The Sound of Sleat
David Glen's
The Hebrides
La Paella Grande
The Turnpike
The Weasel
The Harley Ashtray
Soraidh Bhuam Gu Barraidh
Fainne An Dochais (Ring of Hope)
Glen Orchy / Rory MacLeod
Turas An Ànraidh
Colum Cille
The Little Cascade
Servant To The Slave
An Ataireachd Ard
Maighdeanan Na H-airidh
You Will Rise Again
Why Won't You Touch Me
The Crooked Mountain
Nil Si I Ngra
Alasdair Mhic Colla
's Fhada Leam An Oidhche Gheamhraidh
Waiting For The Wheel To Turn
To The Moon
Grace And Pride
God's Alibi
Fisherman's Dream
Crime Of Passion
Claire In Heaven
Oh Mo Dhuthaich
An Eala Bhan
An Fhideag Airgid
An T-Iarla Diurach
Beautiful Wasteland
Both Sides The Tweed
Gaol Troimh Aimsirean
Little Do They Know
Skye Waulking Song
Stinging Rain
The Tree
Truth Calling
Abu Chuibhl' (Spinning Song)
The Marches
Nighean Dubh Nighean Donn
Fainne An Dochais (Ring of Hope)
Cal's Jigs
Lament for John 'garve' MacLeod of Raasay
Am Mur Gorm (The Blue Rampart)
Co Ni Mire Rium (Who Will Flirt With Me?)
Hebridean Hale-Bop
Kepplehall / 25 Kts
Thiocfadh Leat Fanacht
Ale is Dear
Troy's Wedding
Puirt a Beul / Snug In a Blanket
Glen Orchy / Rory MacLeod
The Haggis
Urnaigh a 'Bhan-Thigreach
My Laggan Love / Fox On the Town
Aodann Srath Bhain
Coisich, A Ruin
Islay Ranters Reels
Mile Marbhaisg (A Thousand Curses)
Him Bò
Turas An Ànraidh
Don't You Go
The Aphrodisiac
Barra Clapping Song
Seinneam Cliù Nam Fear Ùr
Oran Sugraidh
The Quimper Waltz
Soldier Boy
A' Ràcan A Bh' Againne
Rose Cottage Reels
Leodhasach An Tir Chein
Tobar Mhoire
Seice Ruairidh
Fosgail an Dorus/Nighean Bhuaidh' Ruadh
Kepplehall - A. Kepplehall - B. the Osmosis Reel
Nil Si Ingra
a. Dr Macphail's Reel - B. Cape Breton Song
The Weasel Set - A. Granny Hold the Candle While I Shave the Chicken's Lip II - B. the Weasel In the Dyke - C. Macleod's Firewall
Ian Ghlinn Cuaich
The Rob Roy Reels - A. the Road to Rio - B. Bulgarian Red - C. Shetlnd Reel - D. the Gesto Reel - E. Kiss the Maid Behind the Barrel - F. the Rob Roy Reel
Coisich a Ruin
Clo Mhic Ille Mhicheil
The Hebrides
Arrival Theme
Cumha Do dh'Uilleam Siosal
Iona Theme
Calum's Road
Fear a Bhata
Dean Cadalan Samhach
Lordship of the Isles
Grandfather Mountain
Arrival Reprise
Colum Cille
Downtown Toronto
An Gille Ban
S' Och A' Dhomhnaill Oig Ghaolaich
The Strathspey Set
The Jura Wedding Reels
At the Heart of It All
Oran Do Loch Iall
Oran Air Bhreith A Phrionnsa Tearlaich
Oron Eile Don Phrionnsa
Alasdair's Tune
Mo Run Gael Og
Smudladh Mi's Mi Air Maineol
Gaelic Psalm Theme
Maideanan Na h-Airidh
The Little Cascade
Marc's Set
Milleadh Nam Braidhrean
Eilean a'Cheo
Maggie's Megaset
La Paella Grande
Ailein Duinn
Rob Roy Reels
The Prince Of Fire
Eastern Reel
Alasdair Mhic Cholla Ghasda
Sidewaulk Reels
Iain Ghlinn' Cuaich
The Turnpike
The Weasel
Rann Na Móna
Cape Breton Song
Kenny MacDonald's Jigs
Dean Sàor An Spiórad
Dr. MacPhail's Reel
Heart Of The Highland
Four Stone Walls
The Whinney Hills Jigs
Hi Rim Bo
The Miracle of Being
The Harley Ashtray
Black Fields
Homer's Reel
The Old Crone (Port Na Caillich)
At Dawn of Day
The Boy Who
The Sound of Sleat
Nuair a Chi Thu Caileag Bhoidheach
Who Will Raise Their Voice?
A State of Yearning
Sort of Slides
I Will Set My Ship In Order
Ailein Duinn Nach Till Thu An Taobh-Seo
Hope Springs Eternal
Michael's Matches
Tighinn Air A'Mhuir Am Fear A Phosas Mi
Hoireann O
Argyll Lassies
Mo Chailin Dileas Donn
The Hollybush
The Cockerel in the Creel
Soraidh Bhuam Gu Barraidh
Am Buachaille Ban
Brenda Stubbert's Set
Ma Theid Mise Tuilleagh
David Glen's
An Ribhinn Donn