Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
The Storm
The Seven
The Dream
The Trek
The Scheme
The Ends?
The Valley
Fish On (Fisherman's Chronicles, Chapter II)
Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers
Mr. Krinkle
Bob's Party Time Lounge
You Can't Kill Michael Malloy
Oompa Augustus
Here Come the Bastards
Pork Chop's Little Ditty I
The Toys Go Winding Down
The Chastising of Renegade
To Defy The Laws Of Tradition
Groundhog's Day
Too Many Puppies
Mr. Knowitall
Frizzle Fry
John The Fisherman
You Can't Kill Michael Malloy
The Toys Go Winding Down
Pudding Time
Sathington Willoughby
Spegetti Western
Harold of the Rocks
To Defy
Hello Skinny/Constantinople
Seas of Cheese
Here Come the Bastards
Sgt. Baker
American Life
Jerry Was a Race Car Driver
Is It Luck?
Grandad's Little Ditty
Tommy the Cat
Sathington Waltz
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
Fish On (Fisherman's Chronicles, Chapter II)
Los Bastardos
Pork Chop's Little Ditty I
My Name Is Mud
Welcome to This World
Nature Boy
Wounded Knee
Pork Soda
The Pressman
The Air Is Getting Slippery
Hamburger Train
Pork Chop's Little Ditty II
Hail Santa
Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats
Mrs. Blaileen
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Southbound Pachyderm
Space Farm
Year of the Parrot
Hellbound 17½ (Theme From)
Glass Sandwich
Del Davis Tree Farm
De Anza Jig
On the Tweek Again
Over the Electric Grapevine
Captain Shiner
The Return of Sathington Willoughby
Golden Boy
Over the Falls
Shake Hands with Beef
Camelback Cinema
Hats Off
Puddin' Taine
Bob's Party Time Lounge
Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
Restin' Bones
The Chastising of Renegade
Electric Uncle Sam
Natural Joe
Lacquer Head
The Antipop
Eclectic Electric
Greet the Sacred Cow
Mama Didn't Raise No Fool
Dirty Drowning Man
Ballad of Bodacious
Power Mad
The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky
Coattails of a Dead Man
Prelude to a Crawl
Hennepin Crawler
Last Salmon Man
Eternal Consumption Engine
Tragedy's a' comin
Eyes of the Squirrel
Jilly's on Smack
Lee Van Cleef
Moron TV
Green Ranger
Extinction Burst
Salmon Men
Hello Wonkites
Candy Man
Cheer Up Charlie
Golden Ticket
Pure Imagination
Oompa Augustus
Semi-Wondrous Boat Ride
Oompa Violet
I Want It Now
Oompa Veruca
Oompa TV
Farewell Wonkites
Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers
Mr. Krinkle
Mary the Ice Cube
The Heckler
The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon
The Seas of Cheese
Me Llamo Mud
The Valley
The Seven
The Trek
The Scheme
The Dream
The Storm
The Ends?